National Handwriting Day

Although it is now the 24th of January here and technically it is not OUR (Australia’s) National Handwriting Day, I could not resist such a fun post. So, as requested by Kim, here is a sample of my handwriting taken from my Bible reading journal from the 23rd. 


A snippet from my journal.

And a happy National Handwriting Day to all!


4 Responses to “National Handwriting Day”

  1. Kim from Hiraeth Says:

    I love seeing your handwriting! It’s wonderful–a great passage to meditate upon, too.

    Thanks for playing, Kate. You made it on the 23rd over here with room to spare! : D

  2. missmellifluous Says:

    It was a fun game to celebrate a great day, Kim! Glad I made it on time.

    The verse really struck me yesterday. I have enjoyed thinking about it. I love how it ends with a very certain “I cannot”. Powerful.

  3. Ellen Says:

    I like your handwriting Miss M! Especially the J’s :0)

  4. missmellifluous Says:

    Thanks, Ellen. I don’t like my first J but the second is ok. It’s pretty personal to actually see each others’ handwriting, isn’t it?

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